Each fall, I schedule a day or two to “take down” my garden. By October, the vegetables have passed their productivity dates and most of the flowers – although still in bloom – are leggy, faded, and tired looking. Since the front garden is about 90% perennial by design, most of the plants benefit from a good, healthy trim – in many cases all the way to the ground. Clearing everything out before winter is good for the plants, the soil, the root systems, the worms … everyone!
Last Year: Before |
Last Year: Mid Take-Down |
Today, Evan admitted he finds it ridiculous that I mulch the garden in the fall. His argument is two-pronged:
Argument One: It’s silly to remove all of the summer mulch.
The research: The internet does not agree on this issue. Some say leaving old mulch invites disease and rodents. Others say the old mulch will decompose and turn into healthy organic matter (thus benefiting the garden) if left alone.
My response: I don’t remove the summer mulch on purpose exactly. When I’m weeding and removing debris, a good portion of the summer mulch goes with it. Besides, by October, there’s not much left to remove anyway.
Argument Two: It’s silly to mulch in the fall, especially so thickly.
The research: From MotherEarthNews: Mulch must be deep enough to prevent existing weed seeds from germinating. Weeds need light to germinate; those trying to sprout under mulch sprout in darkness and wither away. If mulch is applied too thinly, weeds may still find their way through.
My response: I want my garden to be beautiful for as long as possible. Clearing out all of the summer plants, adding mums and pansies, and polishing it off with a thick coat of mulch makes things look less sparse until the snow falls. Using a goodly amount means I can rake up leaves all fall and still have enough left to protect the roots and soil during snowy months.
So ... since the garden is basically my territory, I’ll definitely be mulching! I just don’t know how much help I’ll get from Mr. Naysayer. Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion!
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